Anushka Sharma made us major nostalgic about school days with her Flashback Friday post. The 30-year-old actress made a trip down the memory lane and dug out an old photo of hers from her school days. Anushka, who appears to be in her school uniform, can be seen posing with her school friends - she is the one sitting. The actress added an interesting caption as she wrote: "Our reaction to the photographer when he said cheese was this," as each one of them sport quirky expressions. One look at Anushka Sharma's throwback pick will take you to your "bachpan" in a flash and will indeed remind you that school days are the best!
Shared on Friday afternoon, Anushka Sharma's photo garnered over 528,619 likes in three hours with her Instafam commenting about missing school already. "I miss school," read a comment while another added: "School memories are unforgettable."
Anushka Sharma's schooling was at Bangalore's Army Public School, which was also pointed out by several fans in the comments . She later pursued her degree in arts at Bangalore's Mount Carmel College, after which she moved to Mumbai to build her career in acting and modelling. Anushka's modelling debut was for designer Wendell Rodricks at the Lakme Fashion Week in 2007 - she simultaneously auditioned for films and also joined an acting school. In 2008, she made her big Bollywood debut opposite Shah Rukh Khan with Yash Raj Films' Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi.
In a career spanning a decade, Anushka Sharma has worked with all the three Khans of Bollywood. She was last seen in Sui Dhaaga, co-starring Varun Dhawan. Anushka is currently awaiting the release of Zero, also starring Shah Rukh Khan and Katrina Kaif. Zero releases on December 21.