The teaser of Prabhas' much-awaited film Adipurush will release on 2 October. On Tuesday, film trade analyst and critic Taran Adarsh, in his tweet confirmed that the makers of Adipurush will release the film's first look and teaser on 2 October in Ayodhya. His tweet read, "Prabhas - Saif - Kriti - Sunny: Adipurush teaser on 2 Oct in Ayodhya... Adipurush - which arrives in cinemas on [Thu] 12 Jan 2023 - will launch Adipurush Teaser + First Look poster on 2 Oct 2022 in Ayodhya... Stars Prabhas, Saif Ali Khan, Kriti Sanon and Sunny Singh.
In another tweet, he wrote, "Directed by Om Raut, Adipurush will release in 3D and IMAX in multiple languages."
Check out his tweets here:
Film's director Om Raut too shared the news on his Twitter handle. He wrote, "Our magical journey is now yours to experience and love! The much awaited Adipurush Teaser and the first poster of our film will be launched on Oct. 2! Venue - Bank Of Sarayu, Ayodhya, UP! Adipurush releases in cinemas on January 12, 2023 in IMAX & 3D!"
See post:
The film, directed by Om Raut, stars Prabhas, Kriti Sanon, Saif Ali Khan and Sunny Singh in the lead roles. The teaser and first look of the film will be unveiled at a grand event in Ayodhya. Actors Prabhas and Kriti Sanon will reportedly be present at the event.
The film is reportedly based on the epic Ramayana, where Prabhas will play the role of Raghava, Kriti will play the role of Janaki, Saif will be seen in the role of Lankesh and Sunny Singh will play the character of Lakshman.
Almost two years ago, Prabhas shared a picture with his co-stars Kriti Sanon, Sunny Singh and director Om Raut on his Instagram. Sharing the post, he wrote, "Welcoming Kriti Sanon and Sunny Singh to the Adipurush family."
See post:
Adipurush produced by T-Series Films and Retrophiles is being simultaneously shot in Hindi and Telugu. The film will release in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam on 12 January 2023.