This Article is From Aug 20, 2010

The Excorcist voted most disturbing movie of all time

The Excorcist voted most disturbing movie of all time
London: Thirty seven years after it was released, horror movie The Exorcist has been voted as "most disturbing" film of all time.

The 1973 film directed by William Friedkin, adapted from the 1971 novel of the same name by William Peter Blatty is based on the exorcism case of Robbie Mannheim and is the tale of the demonic possession of a child, which featured Linda Blair as the kid spewing green slime.

The film beat down competition from teenage gang movie A Clockwork Orange to grab the top spot in a poll conducted  by rental service Lovefilm, The Sun reported online.

The third spot was taken by 2004 film Saw, followed by horror classic The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Requiem For A Dream on the fourth and fifth spot respectively Monica Bellucci starrer Irreversible grabbed the sixth spot while Se7en and Event Horizon landed on the seventh and eighth spot respectively.

Shot in documentary style, The Blair Witch Project and 2009 film Antichrist rounded the list of top ten disturbing films of all time.