After the release of Pushpa 2: The Rule, Rashmika Mandanna is now moving forward with another project. The actress will next be seen in The Girlfriend. On Monday, she shared the teaser of the film on Instagram. Directed by Rahul Ravindran, the movie features Rashmika in the lead role. The teaser opens with the voiceover of Vijay Deverakonda. He is heard praising Rashmika's character in the movie. After that, the teaser focuses on her college love life while it's evident that her character is having a difficult time. Even though the storyline of the film remains a mystery, we can see that Rashmika's character is struggling in her relationship with her boyfriend, played by Dheekshith Shetty. “Finally, baby project is all set to meet you guys.. I know we've made you wait for a long long time.. but here it's finally coming out! #TheGirlfriend,” wrote Rashmika in the caption.
Vijay Deverakonda also shared the teaser of The Girlfriend on X (formerly Twitter). The actor praised Rashmika for being a lucky charm for many actors and noted how she has grown as an artist through the years. He wrote, “I love every visual of this teaser. I am so excited to see this drama unfold. She has been a lucky charm for so many of us actors, being part of our biggest successes. Growing fiercely as an actor, a performer and a star but all the while still remaining the same girl as a person, the same girl i met on sets 8 years ago.”
He added, “Wishing you Rashmika Mandanna all success on your first project where you shoulder so much responsibility. And Dearest Rahul Ravindran who i know will tell a great story that will move every audience.”
Rashmika Mandanna and Vijay Deverakonda are rumoured to be dating for quite some time now. They have worked together in Geetha Govindam and Dear Comrade.
Coming back to The Girlfriend, the film also features Anu Emmanuel in a special role. The movie has been produced by GA2 Pictures, Mass Movie Makers, and Dheeraj Mogilineni Entertainment.