Producer-director Peter Jackson hasdecided to split his upcoming film The Hobbit into threeparts.
The JRR Tolkien book adaptation was originally supposed tobe in two parts but after reviewing footage he has alreadyshot Peter Jackson believes there is enough to support a third, theDaily Mail reported.
"Upon recently viewing a cut of the first film, and achunk of the second, Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens and I werevery pleased with the way the story was coming together.
"We realised that the richness of the story of TheHobbit, as well as some of the related material in theappendices of The Lord of the Rings, gave rise to a simplequestion: do we tell more of the tale? And the answer from ourperspective as filmmakers and fans was an unreserved 'yes',"the director said.
The first film in the trilogy, The Hobbit: An UnexpectedJourney, will be released December 14, 2012, with the secondfilm on December 13, 2013, and the third film slated forsummer 2014.
Jackson has successfully adapted JRR's Lord of theRings. The Hobbit is its prequel.
The JRR Tolkien book adaptation was originally supposed tobe in two parts but after reviewing footage he has alreadyshot Peter Jackson believes there is enough to support a third, theDaily Mail reported.
"Upon recently viewing a cut of the first film, and achunk of the second, Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens and I werevery pleased with the way the story was coming together.
"We realised that the richness of the story of TheHobbit, as well as some of the related material in theappendices of The Lord of the Rings, gave rise to a simplequestion: do we tell more of the tale? And the answer from ourperspective as filmmakers and fans was an unreserved 'yes',"the director said.
The first film in the trilogy, The Hobbit: An UnexpectedJourney, will be released December 14, 2012, with the secondfilm on December 13, 2013, and the third film slated forsummer 2014.
Jackson has successfully adapted JRR's Lord of theRings. The Hobbit is its prequel.