Sanjay Kapoor's son Jahaan "looks exactly like him," as per the actor's fans. On Wednesday, Sanjay Kapoor shared a photo collage featuring a throwback picture of himself juxtaposed with a recent photo of his son. In the photo, Jahaan can be seen wearing a black tee while a much younger version of Sanjay Kapoor can be seen wearing a white t-shirt. Sharing the photo, Sanjay Kapoor wrote: "Twinning." Within an hour, his post was flooded with comments like "Oh my god... you guys look similar" and "he's your carbon copy." One of the users wrote: "Like father like son" and a comment from another fan read: "Both are looking similar so it's difficult to find out who's who."
Check out Sanjay Kapoor's post here:
Sanjay and Maheep Kapoor's daughter Shanaya will soon make her debut in Bollywood. Her first film is with Karan Johar's Dharma Productions. Announcing the news about his daughter joining Karan Johar's Dharma Cornerstone Agency (DCA) on social media, Sanjay Kapoor wrote earlier this week: "With her unabashed enthusiasm, resilience and sparkle - My daughter is all set to take over your screens soon. Give her your love and blessings as she is ready to start the journey of her FIRST FILM with Dharma Movies this July. Watch out for the announcement of the film! #DCASquad."
Sanjay Kapoor made his acting debut with the 1995 movie Prem, opposite newcomer Tabu. He went on to feature in films such as Raja (1995), Auzaar (1997), Mohabbat (1997) and Sirf Tum (1999). He has also featured in supporting roles in movies like Qayamat: City Under Threat (2003), Julie (2004), Luck By Chance (2009) and Shaandaar (2015).