Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan's son Taimur occupied a spot on the list on trends on Thursday after a picture of him holding a baby surfaced on the Internet. The picture has every reason to trend. Both Taimur and the little baby he is holding in his arms look beyond adorable. In fact, Taimur's million-dollar smile in the photo will definitely bust your mid-week blues. The little baby in the picture is the daughter of Kareena Kapoor's friend Naina Sawhney, who is also a part of the actress' managerial team. Kareena hosted a feast for her manager Poonam Damania and Naina at her residence on Wednesday.
Later, Naina Sawhney shared pictures from the get-together on her Instagram profile, also featuring Kareena posing with her friends. "Thank you for having us, Bebo. Sia made her first friend. Love you both." Since Thursday morning, Taimur's adorable picture with baby Sia is going viral on social media.
Take a look at the trending photos here:
Earlier this week, mom-to-be Kareena Kapoor had a mini Diwali celebration with Poonam Damania and her designer friend Masaba Gupta. Kareena's mom was also there. Check out the pictures from the get-together here:
Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan are expecting their second child soon. The couple got married in 2012.
Meanwhile, check out some adorable pictures of Taimur that Kareena has shared till now:
In terms of work, Kareena Kapoor was last seen in Irrfan Khan's Angrezi Medium.