Allu Arjun's Pushpa 2 is making waves for its blockbuster box office numbers. Amid such buzz, Siddharth mocked huge fan gatherings at Pushpa 2 promotional events. In a viral video, Siddharth claimed that huge crowds don't assure quality in India. Going a step further, Siddharth also compared the fan gathering at Patna to that of people gathering at a JCB digging site. The video was shared by trade analyst Manobala Vijayabalan on his X handle. In the video, Siddharth can be heard saying, "That's also marketing. In India, people gathering is not an issue. Even if you station a JCB in our country, it will attract crowd. It's not a big deal to see a huge crowd in Bihar. If you block a huge ground and organise something, then people will definitely turn up. For that, they have a song and a film (translated)." Pushpa 2 makers made a major shift change as they launched the trailer of the film in a northern state Bihar.
Siddharth's comments drew diverse reactions on the Internet. Allu Arjun fans, predictably, lashed out at the comments. One user wrote, "Siddharth always speaks facts." Another comment read, "Siddharth's mind is filled with hostility and bitterness. During the AIADMK regime, he posed as a fake activist, allegedly speaking out for money. However, after the DMK came to power, he went silent, seemingly out of respect for his "owner." Apart from Siddha, Siddharth is an actor who hasn't delivered a hit in recent times and has faced only failures." Another comment read, "Nobody knows Sidharth in North.. jealousy speaking." Another comment read, "Jealousy.. such statements are not expected by celebrities like Siddharth. Show some grace as a senior actor, If you can't show happiness at least be silent." Take a look:
SHOCKING: Siddharth compares Pushpa 2 patna event with crowd which comes to watch JCB construction👷🚧🏗️
— Manobala Vijayabalan (@ManobalaV) December 10, 2024
Pushpa 2 - The Rule - is written and directed by Sukumar. It is produced by Naveen Yerneni and Y. Ravi Shankar of Mythri Movie Makers in association with Sukumar Writings. The film stars Allu Arjun, Fahadh Faasil, Rashmika Mandanna, Dhanunjay, Rao Ramesh, Sunil, Anasuya Bharadwaj and Ajay Ghosh.