Members of the Kapoor family united at Rhea Kapoor and Karan Boolani's Mumbai residence on Friday night. Sonam Kapoor was pictured at the house party. She opted for a floral outfit. Sonam's dad Anil Kapoor was also pictured arriving at Rhea Kapoor's house. Sonam's brother Harsh Varrdhan Kapoor was also clicked at the venue. Sonam's aunt and Fabulous Lives Of Bollywood Wives star Maheep Kapoor checked into the party with husband and actor Sanjay Kapoor. Rhea's cousins Janhvi Kapoor and Arjun Kapoor were MIA as they were attending an award ceremony in Mumbai last night.
See photos from the house party hosted by Rhea Kapoor here:
Anil Kapoor's close friend Anupam Kher also attended the party.
Rhea Kapoor's next project stars Kareena Kapoor, Tabu and Kriti Sanon. The film, titled The Crew was announced last year. Last year, during a media interaction, Kareena Kapoor told news agency PTI: "I am doing a film with Rhea (Kapoor). It is not Veere 2 (Veere Di Wedding). It is a story about three women. It is going to be slightly different. It's a super cool and fun story."
Apart from being a film producer, Rhea Kapoor is also a stylist (largely for her sister Sonam Kapoor) and an entrepreneur. She has co-produced films such as Aisha, Khoobsurat and Veere Di Wedding, all three starring Sonam Kapoor. The sister-duo also runs an apparel brand called Rheson, which was launched in 2017. Rhea Kapoor also launched her ice-cream brand. Rhea Kapoor married Karan Boolani in 2021.