Priyanka Chopra and Shah Rukh Khan have been roped in for the event. Image courtesy:
Awards normally rake up controversies in the names of the winners and those who are ignored. To add a new dimension to the galas, it is the location that has stirred up a hornet's nest.
On January 21, the International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) that has been hosting film awards at international destinations for over a decade, declared that Vancouver would not be their destination this year. Interestingly, the Canadian city had been selected two years ago. After the 2011 edition in Toronto, it was declared that they would return to Canada in 2013.
The apparent reason for the cancellation is because a publication is also planning to host a Bollywood awards in Vancouver at an earlier date. According to reports, Bollywood's leading stars including Priyanka Chopra and Shah Rukh Khan have been roped in for the event. Amitabh Bachchan who was the brand ambassador of the other group has also been roped in.
Says a source, "This year is very special for Bollywood as it marks 100 years of Indian cinema. When it was realised that a rival awards night would be held at the same destination, the entertainment group decided to cancel their plan. It took them by surprise that the other group also decided to have it at Vancouver and that too at an earlier date."
Meanwhile IIFA is now shopping for a new destination for the three-day gala, which is held around June-July.
On January 21, the International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) that has been hosting film awards at international destinations for over a decade, declared that Vancouver would not be their destination this year. Interestingly, the Canadian city had been selected two years ago. After the 2011 edition in Toronto, it was declared that they would return to Canada in 2013.
The apparent reason for the cancellation is because a publication is also planning to host a Bollywood awards in Vancouver at an earlier date. According to reports, Bollywood's leading stars including Priyanka Chopra and Shah Rukh Khan have been roped in for the event. Amitabh Bachchan who was the brand ambassador of the other group has also been roped in.
Says a source, "This year is very special for Bollywood as it marks 100 years of Indian cinema. When it was realised that a rival awards night would be held at the same destination, the entertainment group decided to cancel their plan. It took them by surprise that the other group also decided to have it at Vancouver and that too at an earlier date."
Meanwhile IIFA is now shopping for a new destination for the three-day gala, which is held around June-July.