Actor Prabhas has finally revealed the release date of his upcoming film Adipurush. On Friday, the actor shared a post on his Instagram account, revealing the release date of his film and the timing of the film's teaser release on 2 October. Sharing a poster of the film, the actor wrote, "Aarambh. Join us as we embark on a magical journey on the Sarayu River Bank in Ayodhya, UP. Adipurush In Ayodhya. Unveil the first poster and teaser of our film with us on Oct. 2 at 7:11 PM! Adipurush Teaser. Adipurush releases in theaters on January 12, 2023, in IMAX & 3D!"
In the poster, Prabhas can be seen sporting a never-seen-before look. The actor can be seen wearing a dhoti, holding a bow and arrow and aiming toward the sky.
Many of the actor's fans flooded his comments section with "Jai Shri Ram," others dropped heart, fire and star-eyed emojis on the post.
Check out his post here:
Prabhas's co-star Kriti Sanon too shared the release date announcement poster on her Instagram with a similar caption as Prabhas./p>
Check out her post here:
Filmmaker Om Raut and actor Sunny Singh too shared similar posts on their social media handles.
The film, directed by Om Raut, also stars Saif Ali Khan and Sunny Singh in the lead roles.
Adipurush is reportedly based on the epic Ramayana, where Prabhas will play the role of Raghava, Kriti will play the role of Janaki, Saif will be seen in the role of Lankesh and Sunny Singh will play the character of Lakshman.