Nick Jonas just loved his wife Priyanka Chopra's performance in her new film The White Tiger. The singer, on Friday, gave a big shout-out to Priyanka Chopra, who has also co-produced The White Tiger, and also congratulated the entire team of the film. The White Tiger premiered on Netflix on Friday. Sharing promotional posters of the film, featuring Priyanka Chopra and her co-stars Rajkummar Rao and Adarsh Gourav, Nick Jonas wrote: "The White Tiger is out now on Netflix! So incredibly proud of my wife Priyanka Chopra for her work as both an actor and a producer on this movie. Everyone, do yourself a favor and go watch this movie right now! Congrats to the entire cast and crew and creative team."
Reacting to his tweet, Priyanka Chopra wrote: "I love you, Nick Jonas."
Nick is in Los Angeles while Priyanka is currently in London, where she wrapped the shooting schedule of her upcoming project. Priyanka was scheduled to fly back to Los Angeles but couldn't after a third lockdown was imposed in the UK due to the coronavirus pandemic.
See Nick Jonas' tweet and Priyanka Chopra's reaction here:
I love you. @nickjonas
— PRIYANKA (@priyankachopra) January 22, 2021
Last week, Nick watched a special show of The White Tiger and dedicated this message to his wife on his Instagram story: "This movie is unreal and my wife Priyanka Chopra is exceptional in it."
In The White Tiger, Priyanka Chopra and Rajkummar Rao play the roles of a rich married couple, who have been living with their family in India after returning from the US for their business. Adarsh Gourav plays the role of their poor driver named Balram Halwai, who, after an accident, rebels and becomes a master of his own.
The White Tiger is out now on @netflix!! It's just about a year to the day when we wrapped filming this, and I am so proud of what we are sharing with the world. I hope you'll take some time for a night "at the movies" (on your couch) to watch it. Godspeed.
— PRIYANKA (@priyankachopra) January 22, 2021
The White Tiger is director Ramin Bahrani's adaptation of Aravind Adiga's Man Booker Prize-winning debut novel of the same name. It also stars Mahesh Manjrekar and Vijay Maurya.