Sonam Kapoor and Dulquer Salmaan shared the first motion poster of their upcoming film The Zoya Factor on Thursday. Sonam Kapoor, who plays the titular role, tweeted: "Who needs nimbu-mirchi, when you have Zoya Solanki! India's lucky charm is here to turn tables around for you." Meanwhile, Dulquer Salmaan tweeted: "And here she is! The lucky charm of India, Zoya Solanki. She is winning hearts everywhere with The Zoya Factor, let's see if she can win mine!" Sonam Kapoor plays the role of a Rajput girl in The Zoya Factor, who turns out to be a lucky charm for Team India in the 2010 cricket world cup. Dulquer Salmaan reportedly plays a cricketer in the movie.
In the motion poster, Sonam Kapoor smiles ear-to-ear as she appears on a pedestal with a helmet in one hand and a cricket bat in another. Sonam's poster resembles the image of Goddess Laxmi in several ways. But did we spot a pair of sneakers there? "India ka lucky charm," reads the motion poster while a peppy song plays along in the teaser.
Who needs Nimbu Mirchi, when you have Zoya Solanki! India's lucky charm is here to turn tables around for you. #TheZoyaFactor @dulQuer #AbhishekSharma @Pooja_Shetty @aartims @foxstarhindi @ad_labsfilms
— Sonam K Ahuja (@sonamakapoor) August 22, 2019
Sonam Kapoor and Dulquer Salman are working together for the first time. On Dulquer's birthday this year, Sonam had shared a new glimpse of the fresh onscreen pair as she wished her co-star. The Zoya Factor is based on Anuja Chauhan's bestselling novel of the same name.
Directed by Abhishek Sharma, The Zoya Factor is all set to arrive in theatres on September 20. The film also stars Sonam Kapoor's uncle Sanjay Kapoor and Angad Bedi in key roles.