The death of television and film actor Sidharth Shukla has left the nation in shock. The actor who rose to fame with his role in Balika Vadhu died at the age of 40 on Thursday. Condolence messages are pouring in from all quarters and fans cannot but help talk about SidNaaz, the moniker given to Sidharth Shukla and actress Shehnaaz Gill, thanks to their bond. The two actors became very popular during their stint in the reality show Bigg Boss 13. Sidharth Shukla and Shehnaaz Gill, who met on the show, soon became close friends. Despite the challenging nature of the show, the two were always seen rooting for one another and having each other's back.
They were even rumoured to be dating but there was no official acknowledgement of the same. Salman Khan, who hosted Bigg Boss 13, was also often seen teasing the duo during the show.
The couple's popularity continued even after the show. Fans continued to root for them as they appeared in music videos and interviews together. In fact, Sidharth Shukla's last appearance on-screen was with Shehnaaz Gill on Bigg Boss OTT and Dance Deewane 3.
As a tribute to the warm relationship shared by the couple, we are taking a look at some of the best SidNaaz posts shared by Sidharth Shukla and Shehnaaz Gill.
Sidharth Shukla's first post after his win in Bigg Boss 13 was a photo alongside Shehnaaz Gill.
Sidharth Shukla and Shehnaaz Gill starred together in the music video Shona Shona. Sidharth Shukla had even shared a Reels thanking fans for the great response to the video.
Even in a picture where he is seen with the team of Shona Shona, Sidharth Shukla only has eyes for Shehnaaz Gill.
On his birthday, Shehnaaz Gill shared a video in which she wished Sidharth Shukla as they laughed out in joy.
The two also posed for a picture post the finale of Bigg Boss. In the image, Sidharth Shukla can be seen with his arm around Shehnaaz Gill. Acknowledging the name given to them by fans, Shehnaaz kept the caption simple with the hashtag “SidNaaz” and some fire emoticons.
Both the music videos that the couple starred in after the show, Bhula Dunga and Shona Shona, have been huge hits.