Alia Bhatt is currently enjoying her time in the Maldives with her mother Soni Razdan and sister Shaheen Bhatt. The Gangubai Kathiawadi actress is on a birthday vacation and keeps her followers updated by sharing alluring pictures from picturesque locations. Recently, she posted a video on her Instagram handle, giving a glimpse of her 29th birthday bash. The video features several short clips of Alia relaxing on the beach and pictures from birthday breakfast to dinner. She enjoyed her birthday, not just by gorging on delicious food and drinks, but also by watching one of the famous sitcom series F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Sharing the post, she wrote, "this is 29 thank you for all the love".
Check out the post below:
Earlier, Alia Bhatt's sister Shaheen Bhatt also posted a picture of the actress from last night's party. The actress looked gorgeous in a black dress, holding balloons. Sharing the post on her Insta story, she wrote, "Birthday Angel". Check out below:
Also, Shaheen shared a heartfelt post wishing her baby sister on her birthday. She posted a happy picture of herself with Alia and wrote a long note, that read, "My best friend, my baby girl, my everything. There are few things in life comparable to the joy of having you by my side on this and every journey. I'm so proud of you. Of the person, you're evolving into, of the person you so effortlessly are, of the person you work so hard to be. We call you sunshine because you are - dazzling, life-affirming and unfiltered. I hope the light in you continues to grow brighter and illuminate all of our lives always."
Meanwhile, on the work front, Alia will be next seen in two much-awaited films-Brahmastra, co-starring Ranbir Kapoor and RRR, co-starring Jr NTR and Ram Charan.