Huma Qureshi's latest Instagram entry will make your Tuesday better. The Gangs Of Wasseypur actress, confined to her home due to the coronavirus lockdown, can't wait for the lockdown to get over. On Tuesday, Huma shared a super adorable video of herself on her Instagram profile and it is making her Instafam swoon. In the video, Huma can be seen dancing while holding the phone in her hand. Sharing a glimpse of how Huma will celebrate when lockdown gets over, the actress wrote, "This is how I shall dance when I hear that there is lockdown no more! Vo call kab aayega." We can totally relate to Huma on this. She also added the hashtags "dreaming," "lockdown" and "stay positive" to her post. Take a look:
Within minutes of posting, Huma's video was flooded with comments from her friends and fans. Reacting to the video, filmmaker Farah Khan wrote, "Save this for when the vaccine is found instead," to which Huma hilariously replied saying, "Pyaar corona." Siddhant Chaturvedi also reacted to her video with laughter and dancing emojis while Radhika Apte dropped a heart emoticon.
Huma Qureshi, who is currently at home with her family due to the nationwide lockdown, keeps sharing snippets of her home diaries on her Instagram profile. In lockdown, Huma has been doing it all - from giving herself a haircut to sharing videos of her culinary experimentations.
On the work front, Huma was last seen in the Netflix series Leila where she shared screen space with Siddarth Suryanarayan, Rahul Khanna and Sanjay Suri. She will next be seen in the American zombie thriller Army Of The Dead co-starring Dave Bautista, Ella Purnell, Theo Rossi and Chris D'Elia.