Milind Soman turned 54 on Monday and it is hard to believe, especially after checking out his latest Instagram entry. The model-turned-actor posted a birthday wish for himself on his Instagram profile and we love it. Milind posted a picture of himself from a hot spring and he looks handsome as ever. Just like us, the actor's Instafam too was crushing on the picture. VJ Anusha Dandekar, who co-judged the TV reality show India's Next Model along with Milind, wrote in the comments section: "Happy Birthday! I think we all need to start running to catch up to your youth. Have the best year yet." Comments like "handsome" kept popping up in the comments section.
"Happy Birthday to me! #54," Milind captioned the post. Take a look at the post here:
Milind also shared a picture of himself along with his wife Ankita Konwar, on his Instagram story on Monday and he captioned it: "16km run in my favourite place with my favourite person. Happy Birthday to me."
Take a look at the post here:
Milind Soman married Ankita in a traditional Maharashtrian ceremony in April 2018. A few months after the wedding, the couple exchanged wedding vows in a dreamy "barefoot wedding" in Spain. Milind Soman was earlier married to actress Mylene Jampanoi, whom he had met on the sets of the 2006 film Valley Of Flowers.
On the work front, Milind Soman was last seen as one of the judges on the television reality show India's Next Top Model. The model-turned actor has featured in Bollywood films such as Chef and Bajirao Mastaani. He became a household name after he featured in Alisha Chinoy's 1995 music video Made In India.