Actress Gul Panag, who has been actively sharing envy-inducing throwback pictures on her Instagram profile on Thursday, added another one to her collection. Keeping up with the spirit of throwback Thursday, Gul shared a picture from her visit to a beach destination. In the picture, Gul can be seen dressed in a pink top and a pair of denim shorts. She accentuated her look with a pair of sunglasses. She captioned her post: "Throwback to the sun and the sand."
Take a look at Gul Panag's post here:
Here are some more throwback posts shared by the actress:
Gul Panag made her debut in Bollywood with the 2003 film Dhoop. She has been a part of films like Dor, Jurm, Manorama Six Feet Under, Hello, Straight and Ab Tak Chhappan 2. The actress, who is a former Miss India, became a pilot like her husband in 2016. The actress was last seen in the Anushka Sharma produced web-series Paatal Lok.
Gul Panag married her longtime boyfriend Rishi Attari in March 2011 in a traditional Sikh ceremony. Their son Nihal was born in the year 2018. Earlier, in an interview with Hindustan Times, the actress talked about having a second child and said: "I share a very strong sibling bond with my brother who lives in Delhi. My husband has a sibling and they are closely knitted with each other. I feel it is very important to have a sibling bond. I will try my best to make sure that Nihal has a sibling to share a bond like this."