SS Rajamouli, who jetted off to Japan to attend a special screening of his highly acclaimed film RRR, has received a sweet surprise from an 83-year-old Japanese fan. SS Rajamouli and his wife, Rama Rajamouli, were presented with a heartfelt gift – 1000 delicately crafted origami cranes, symbolising wishes for luck and blessings. In his touching post on X (formerly Twitter), SS Rajamouli shared pictures featuring himself, his wife and the elderly woman. Alongside these images, the filmmaker wrote, “In Japan, they make origami cranes and gift them to their loved ones for good luck and health. This 83-year-old woman made 1,000 of them to bless us because RRR made her happy. She just sent the gift and was waiting outside in the cold.”
SS Rajamouli continued, “Some gestures can never be repaid. Just grateful.”
Take a look at his post below:
Before that, the official X page of RRR shared a video from the special screening event. The footage showcased a jam-packed theatre with the audience waving radium light sticks. A few seconds later, SS Rajamouli can be seen recording a video of the enthusiastic audience.
“On the 752nd day since the original theatrical release and the 513th day since the Japan theatrical release, we are witnessing the love from 6000kms away, our hometown Hyderabad, India. What else could there be? Everything coming is a blessing!! Love you audience,” read the text attached to the video.
RRR created history by winning the Best Original Song for its track Naatu Naatu at the Oscars 2023. During his acceptance speech, Music composer MM Keeravani said, “I grew up listening to the Carpenters and now here I am with the Oscars." He also sang 70s pop hit Top Of The World with his own version of the lyrics: "There was only one wish on my mind. ... RRR has to win, pride of every Indian, and must put me on the top of the world."
RRR features a star-studded cast including Ram Charan, Jr NTR, Ajay Devgn and Alia Bhatt.