As Hrithik Roshan celebrates his 46th birthday on Friday, the actor's family members and friends have posted lovely greetings on social media, while some posted lovely notes, other shared throwback pictures. Actor Neil Nitin Mukesh shared a major throwback picture with the birthday boy on his Instagram post. BTW, did we tell you that the throwback photograph also features Kareena Kapoor and Rani Mukerji. Neil did not reveal when the picture was taken. Hrithik Roshan co-starred with Kareena Kapoor and Rani Mukerji in the 2002 film Mujhse Dosti Karoge!.
Sharing the picture on his Instagram profile, Neil Nitin Mukesh wrote: "A very Happy birthday Hrithik Roshan. You are an inspiration in every way to millions likes me. God bless you with all the Happiness. Have a super year ahead. #majorthrowback #birthday."
Check out the post here:
Meanwhile, Preity Zinta, who has co-starred with Hrithik Roshan in films like Mission Kashmir, Lakshya, Koi... Mil Gaya among others, also posted a blast from the post on her Instagram profile and she captioned it: "Happy Birthday to the super talented, super hot, super fit and super sharp Hrithik Roshan. Love you loads today and always. #Happybirthday #friendsforever #birthdayboy #ting."
Take a look at the post here:
On the work front, Hrithik Roshan was last seen in the 2019 blockbuster War, co-starring Tiger Shroff and Vaani Kapoor. The actor also featured in the film Super 30 last year, in which he played the role of mathematician Anand Kumar.
Hrithik Roshan has reportedly been approached for the adaptation of Mahabharata, which stars Deepika Padukone. However, the actor has not announced his association with the project as of now.