There's something undeniably nostalgic about old-school Bollywood award shows. The glitz felt genuine, the performances were electrifying and the stars exuded an effortless charm. Among them, Anushka Sharma holds a special place. Known for her elegance and vibrant energy, she brought a unique spark to every stage she graced. Unlike today's meticulously curated appearances, the simplicity of those moments is what fans miss the most. Anushka, in her timeless outfits and unfiltered joy, embodied the magic of those golden days. A recently resurfaced video of her dancing with Akshay Kumar perfectly captures that charm and has fans missing those 'good old' days.
The throwback video features Anushka Sharma and Akshay Kumar at an award show. Anushka, dressed in a pink and white Patiala salwar kameez, looks radiant with her open hair and large hoops.
In the clip, she points at Akshay Kumar, who is sitting in the audience. She, along with her dance team, makes her way towards Akshay and asks him to join on stage. The audience erupts into cheers as the duo make their way back to the stage.
As they groove to the beats of Laung Da Lashkara, the camera captures other Bollywood stars enjoying the performance. Katrina Kaif is seen smiling in the audience, while Shah Rukh Khan and Aishwarya Rai are enjoying the moment. Akshay, looking sharp in a white shirt and black suit, matches Anushka's infectious enthusiasm on stage.
The video has struck a chord with fans, who have shared their love for this nostalgic moment. “The time when actresses used to wear simple but pretty clothes in award shows,” wrote one user. Another commented, “Akshay Kumar, all-time favourite of all.”
A fan expressed the joy of watching them together saying, “I automatically started smiling when I saw them dancing together.” Another called it a rare pairing, “Akshay Sir and Anushka Ma'am together, it was the rarest frame.”
Their performance featured Laung Da Lashkara, a lively track from the 2011 film Patiala House. The movie featured Anushka Sharma and Akshay Kumar in lead roles.