Namrata Shirodkar is adding one picture at a time to her throwback diary that is purely dedicated to her daughter Sitara. The actress, on Wednesday, shared another adorable throwback photo of the mother-daughter duo and we just love it. In the picture, Namrata can be seen carrying Sitara in her arms after the little munchkin "refused to walk." They both can be seen wearing winter outfits. "One for each day. Started out as a stroll, ending up in my arms as Madame refused to walk! Had to head right back," wrote Namrata while sharing the photo on Instagram. Take a look at her post here:
It appears that Namrata Shirodkar has assigned herself the duty of sharing one adorable photo or video of Sitara each day during the lockdown. On Tuesday, she posted a clip of little Sitara singing adorably in a car. "Extended lockdown! Difficult but more than required! The only way forward! This may bring a smile, make you happy! As it did for me... Her sense of rhythm never ceased to amaze me even then. One for each day," she captioned the post.
How can we forget the throwback video of Sitara, in which she could be seen dancing to one of her actor father Mahesh Babu's songs? "One for each day! This little pumpkin on her way to a birthday party. She only sings to her father's tunes," wrote Namrata Shirodkar.
Meanwhile, also check the other throwback pictures and clips of Sitara that Namrata shared on Instagram:
Namrata met Mahesh Babu on the sets of the 2005 film Vamsi and got married to him the same year. They welcomed their son Gautham in August 2006 and daughter Sitara in 2012.