Tiger Shroff had the most adorable birthday wish for sister Krishna Shroff on her birthday. Addressing her as "baby bro," Tiger began the birthday note by writing: "Happiest birthday, baby bro. Hope you continue to punch through whatever obstacles life throws at you." Tiger even accompanied the post with an appropriate photo that goes well with the caption. The Shroff siblings, who launched their own MMA gym in 2018, can be seen wearing their boxing gloves in the black and white photo. Tiger Shroff, who is two-years elder to Krishna, also added: "Don't grow up too much more and stay the good boy that you are. Love you." And then he did the most bro-thing possible, he added this PS note: "PS - don't get married until your like 80 or something."
Here's Tiger Shroff's birthday wish for sister Krishna:
Krishna Shroff thanked her actor brother with a sweet comment: "Thanks, sis," she wrote.
Tiger and Krishna Shroff's posts are often about family, featuring parents Jackie Shroff and Ayesha Shroff. Krishna began the new year with this all-about-family kinda Instagram update, featuring all the Shroffs in one frame.
On Women's Day, Krishna shared this "supermom" post for Ayesha Shroff, writing: "Happy Women's Day to all the ladies out there, especially to this absolute lioness who's always got my back! Lucky to have you every day and I look up to the woman you are. Love you, mommy."
She reserved this "favourite human being" post for Tiger Shroff.
On the work front, Tiger Shroff was last seen in War and has Baaghi 3 in the line-up.