Ananya Panday, who will make her Bollywood debut next year, lit up Instagram with a wonderful picture of herself with her friends. In the photo, Ananya is smartly dressed in a pink sweater, blue denims and knee-length boots and is surrounded by three friends - Deeya Shroff, Shloka Shetty and Zianna Sabuwala. "My calm within the chaos," Ananya captioned the post, adding the hashtags 'Tight Jeans' and 'Tighter Friendship.' She has tagged a couple of other friends too in the post. As the placeline indicates, the picture appears to have been taken at Winter Wonderland in London, where an annual Christmas event is currently being held.
Take a look at the picture here.
On her Instagram stories, Ananya treated us to these fabulous photos from Winter Wonderland.
Over the weekend, Ananya shared a set of throwback pictures from her high society debut in 2017 at Paris' Le Bal event. "Throwback to this time last year. One of the best experiences of my life with some of the best people I've met. Thank you for the experience. I miss you guys so much," she captioned her post.
Ananya, who just celebrated her 20th birthday, is the daughter of actor Chunky and Bhavana Panday. She will make her Bollywood debut with Student Of The Year 2, which also stars Tara Sutaria and Tiger Shroff. It will also be Tara's first Hindi film.
Student Of The Year 2 is expected to release in May 2019 and is directed by Punit Malhotra and produced by Karan Johar.