Happy birthday, Amitabh Bachchan! As the Bollywood veteran celebrates his 78th birthday on Sunday, his fans and members of the film fraternity wished him on social media. While some Bollywood stars shared cherished memories with the actor in the form of throwback pictures, others wrote heartfelt notes for Amitabh Bachchan on social media. Ajay Devgn, who has co-starred with Big B in films like Satyagrah, Khakee, Major Saab and Ram Gopal Varma Ki Aag, among many others, posted a throwback picture with the veteran actor and wrote: "Many happy returns of the day dear Amit ji. Prayers and best wishes for a great year ahead Sir."
Many happy returns of the day dear Amitji. Prayers and best wishes for a great year ahead Sir @SrBachchan pic.twitter.com/joqUulMPUy
— Ajay Devgn (@ajaydevgn) October 11, 2020
Hrithik Roshan, who co-starred with Big B in Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham..., tweeted, "Dearest Amit uncle, I wish for you good health, happiness and peace. Thank you for inspiring millions like me,will forever be your fan boy. Happy Birthday."
Dearest Amit uncle, I wish for you good health, happiness and peace. Thank you for inspiring millions like me, will forever be your fan boy. Happy Birthday @SrBachchan
— Hrithik Roshan (@iHrithik) October 11, 2020
Katrina Kaif, who has worked with Big B in films like Sarkar and Thugs Of Hindostan, wrote: "Happy birthday, Amitabh Bachchan. May you have the most wonderful year. You are an inspiration."
"Happy Birthday Amitabh Sir. Thank you for always inspiring us. We are blessed to have witnessed some of your finest performances. You are truly a legend," wrote Anushka Sharma.
Prabhas, who will soon be sharing screen space with the actor, wrote in his greeting for Big B: "Many, many happy returns of the day to the legendary Amitabh Bachchan sir. Thank you for inspiring us all."
Farhan Akhtar wished Amitabh Bachchan with these words: "Happy birthday Amit uncle. Wish you good health, happiness and continued success. Lots of love."
Happy birthday Amit uncle. Wish you good health, happiness and continued success. Lots of love. @SrBachchan
— Farhan Akhtar (@FarOutAkhtar) October 11, 2020
"Sir, it will be another 100 years (or maybe never) that the world sees a human being like you. Too much to say, too much learn, but for now,Happy birthday Sir. Health and happiness to you," tweeted Parineeti Chopra.
Sir, it will be another 100 years,
— Parineeti Chopra (@ParineetiChopra) October 11, 2020
(or maybe never) that the world sees a human being like you. Too much to say, too much learn, but for now, HAPPY BDAY SIR. Health and Happiness to you @SrBachchan #AmitabhBachchan pic.twitter.com/Fyoj4HxOmc
Here are some more birthday wishes for Amitabh Bachchan:
Happy BIRTHDAY @SrBachchan Ji thank God for you. pic.twitter.com/awJ7Dniuo6
— Ranganathan Madhavan (@ActorMadhavan) October 11, 2020
Happy Birthday Dearest @SrBachchan ji, May god grace you the best of health & long life. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to be in the same frame as you. Gods have surely blessed me. #HappyBirthdayAmitabhBachchan pic.twitter.com/HxGGhEds8K
— Riteish Deshmukh (@Riteishd) October 11, 2020
Happy birthday Bachchan Saab ... dher saara pyaar sir @SrBachchan .... #oneandonly #legend pic.twitter.com/oO5TEUn4nU
— Neha Dhupia (@NehaDhupia) October 10, 2020
Wishing the most gorgeous man.. the legend @SrBachchan sir a very happy birthday. Waheguru sukh rakhe. "Rishte main toh..." pic.twitter.com/SN7Umej7Yv
— ANGAD BEDI "Anshuman Saxena" (@Imangadbedi) October 11, 2020
Here's wishing Amitabh Bachchan a very happy birthday.