Actor Jackie Shroff's daughter Krishna is breaking the internet again. Krishna, who was living with her boyfriend Eban Hyams during the lockdown in Mumbai for some time, is missing him a lot and her latest post on Instagram proves it. Eban Hyams is currently living in his Sydney home. Krishna's mushy post for her boyfriend included pictures that appear to be from their Mumbai stay. In one of the photos, Krishna and Eban can be seen kissing each other while in another, they can be seen having a fun time during their workout session. In the second last photograph of the album, the couple can be seen chilling in a pool. Sharing the photos, Krishna wrote nothing and just used an infinity emoticon in the caption.
Take a look at the stunning picture of Krishna Shroff and Eban Hyams here:
Krishna Shroff often occupies spots on the trends' list for her bikini pictures. Over a week ago, she shared a photo and a video of herself, in which she could be seen sunbathing in a black bikini on what appears to be her terrace. "Tranquil," she wrote in the caption.
Meanwhile, also check the other pictures of Krishna Shroff that trended for days on social media:
Krishna Shroff, daughter of Jackie and Ayesha Shroff and sister of actor Tiger Shroff, launched her MMA training centre named MMA Matrix in November 2018. Just like her brother, Krishna is also a fitness enthusiast.