Sonalee Kulkarni's latest Instagram post calls for congratulations for more than just one reason. The Marathi actress shared pictures from her low-key engagement ceremony with her fiance Kunal Benodekar. The actress shared the photographs on her 32nd birthday and she wrote: "Before my birthday ends, I want to mark it by making a special announcement. Introducing my fiance Kunal Benodekar." The actress got engaged on February 2, 2020 in Dubai. However, she chose her birthday to share this special news with everyone.
Take a look at Sonalee's post here:
For her big day, the Apsara Aali star picked a dual-toned Kanjeevaram saree from the shelves of Kohinoor. She accessorised her look with gold jewelry. In a separate post, she wrote: "Cannot thank you all enough for your best wishes and love pouring in since yesterday. This is so overwhelming in many ways, as I celebrated my birthday away from my family, friends, fans for the first time due to lockdown but with just my fiance! But thanks to social media we all could connect and yes, thank you so much for all the love and blessings you've been showering on our engagement. Here's sharing a special picture from my most special day! Thank you Kohinoor for this custom-made Kanjeevaram. Tanishq for the amazing traditional jewelry."
See the post:
Sonalee Kulkarni is a well-known name in the Marathi film industry. She is best-known for her performances in films like Gauri and Bakula Namdeo Ghotale. Her lavani dance in the song Apsara Aali in the Marathi film Natarang became extremely popular. She also featured in Bollywood films like Grand Masti and Singham Returns.