He might not have got his due interms of Bollywood recognition, but actor Swapnil Joshi saysthat he has no regrets as he is now a name to reckon with ontelevision, which he believes is as strong a medium as Hindicinema.
From playing Lord Krishna in Sri Krishna to regalingthe audience with his perfect comic timing in various comedyshows and now portraying a ugly overweight character in Papad Pol on SAB TV, Swapnil feels he is a star in his ownright in the medium which is no longer secondary to Hindifilms.
"The TV industry has evolved and is today equallystrong and effective as films and its actors are in no wayinferior to Bollywood stars," Swapnil told PTI.
Even though he has not acted in any film other than Gulam-e-mustafa, Swapnil has no remorse as he got what hehad set out to through TV.
"Ever since Amitabh Bachchan hosted Kaun BanegaCrorepati, the medium has grown in leaps and bounds and todayit is no longer a secondary medium of entertainment," said theactor, who was in Lucknow to attend an event marking 125thepisode of 'Papad Pol' based on the stories of ShahabuddinRathod.
Though comedy is his forte, which earned him instantrecognition, Swapnil feels that he has not been stereotyped inthe genre.
"I have played some serious characters in Desh meinnikla hoga chand and Sri Krishna and am lucky that peoplehave loved me in all the roles", he said adding that his dreamrole is playing the lead against Madhuri Dixit some day.
Terming his character of Vinay Chandra Parekh in'Papad pol' as very close to his heart, Joshi said that eventhough her is a dark, obese person, Parekh is a happycontended man with a beautiful heart which stresses thenecessity of internal beauty.
It takes around one and a half hours in the make-uproom for Swapnil to turn into Parekh and again he requires asitting of some 45 minutes to remove the face paint. He alsohad to gain some seven kgs to look the part.
Though he is not keen to act in films, he also has noreservations against it if a good and appropriate rolecomes his way, Swapnil said.
From playing Lord Krishna in Sri Krishna to regalingthe audience with his perfect comic timing in various comedyshows and now portraying a ugly overweight character in Papad Pol on SAB TV, Swapnil feels he is a star in his ownright in the medium which is no longer secondary to Hindifilms.
"The TV industry has evolved and is today equallystrong and effective as films and its actors are in no wayinferior to Bollywood stars," Swapnil told PTI.
Even though he has not acted in any film other than Gulam-e-mustafa, Swapnil has no remorse as he got what hehad set out to through TV.
"Ever since Amitabh Bachchan hosted Kaun BanegaCrorepati, the medium has grown in leaps and bounds and todayit is no longer a secondary medium of entertainment," said theactor, who was in Lucknow to attend an event marking 125thepisode of 'Papad Pol' based on the stories of ShahabuddinRathod.
Though comedy is his forte, which earned him instantrecognition, Swapnil feels that he has not been stereotyped inthe genre.
"I have played some serious characters in Desh meinnikla hoga chand and Sri Krishna and am lucky that peoplehave loved me in all the roles", he said adding that his dreamrole is playing the lead against Madhuri Dixit some day.
Terming his character of Vinay Chandra Parekh in'Papad pol' as very close to his heart, Joshi said that eventhough her is a dark, obese person, Parekh is a happycontended man with a beautiful heart which stresses thenecessity of internal beauty.
It takes around one and a half hours in the make-uproom for Swapnil to turn into Parekh and again he requires asitting of some 45 minutes to remove the face paint. He alsohad to gain some seven kgs to look the part.
Though he is not keen to act in films, he also has noreservations against it if a good and appropriate rolecomes his way, Swapnil said.