A day after meeting Rishi Kapoor and Neetu Kapoor, it appears that actress Sonali Bendre caught up with colleague Anupam Kher, who is in New York for work. The 43-year-old actress shared a picture on her Instagram stories with Anupam Kher. Sonali Bendre, who has previously shared a 'bald is beautiful' post, added another picture to her collection. In the photo, she features without her wig and sports an all-black look like Anupam Kher, which explains her caption. "Never thought I'd say this. Twinning from head to toe with the one and only Anupam Kher. Ha ha ha." Sonali Bendre is currently undergoing treatment for cancer in New York. She moved to the Big Apple in July and is accompanied by husband Goldie Behl. They are now joined by sister-in-law Srishti Behl Arya. Anupam Kher also shared multiple pictures from their meeting and tweeted, "It was so wonderful and refreshing to have dinner with the most beautiful, inspirational and courageous Sonali Bendre, along with the compassionate Goldie Behl."
Take a look at the pictures here.
"The elegance under pressure is the result of fearlessness." It was so wonderful & refreshing to have dinner with the most beautiful, inspirational & courageous @iamsonalibendre along with the compassionate @GOLDIEBEHL & ever smiling Rupa. #DeliciousFood #RichConversations #NYC pic.twitter.com/9Wv8sfuHAx
— Anupam Kher (@AnupamPKher) October 9, 2018
Anupam Kher had earlier told news agency IANS that the duo often meet each other and said, "Sonali is a courageous and brave person. By brave, I do not mean strong in terms of physical strength. How you deal with life in difficult situation determines your true strength and the way Sonali is fighting is highly applaudable." They have co-starred in films like Hamara Dil Aapke Paas Hai and Dil Hi Dil Mein.
On Tuesday, Sonali Bendre shared a powerful post on her treatment and wrote about her personal experience of dealing with the pain.
Meanwhile, when in New York, Anupam Kher also met Rishi Kapoor. The 66-year-old actor is there for medical treatment.
New York,Manhattan. "Kher-free" or is it "Care-free"on Madison Avenue with colleague and old friend Anupam Kher this afternoon! pic.twitter.com/6qwfUufuML
— Rishi Kapoor (@chintskap) October 7, 2018
Take a look at the pictures from Rishi Kapoor's meeting with Priyanka Chopra, Sonali Bendre and her family.
Sonali Bendre is best-known for films like Sarfarosh, Major Saab, Duplicate, Kal Ho Naa Ho and Hum Saath-Saath Hai.
(With IANS inputs)