Actress Nargis Fakhri, in a tell-all interview with ETimes, opened up about having dated Uday Chopra, for the first time ever. "Uday and I dated for 5 years and he was the most beautiful human I met in India," Nargis Fakhri told the publication. The 41-year-old actress revealed why she never confirmed her relationship with Uday Chopra when they were dating: "I never have said this to the press as people told me to keep my relationship quiet, but I regret that because I should have shouted from the mountain tops that I was with such a beautiful soul." Sharing the reason behind her decision of keeping her personal life under wraps, Nargis Fakhri added: "The internet and social media is very fake and the people out there won't know what the truth is. Most often we idolise certain people who are actually bad behind closed doors."
Uday Chopra and Nargis Fakhri often featured in headlines for their then-speculated romance, which both the actors had continued to deny. In a tweet in 2016, Uday Chopra wrote: "Ok so it had to come to this... Nargis Fakhri and I are close friends and all the rumours that are doing the rounds have no basis in reality." In previous interviews he was recorded saying: "She is just a friend."
Even though rarely but Nargis featured a few times in Uday Chopra's tweets. In a cryptic tweet in February 2017, Uday Chopra had sent this invitation to Nargis Fakhri: "I wanna go to Rome in April. Nargis Fakhri wanna join me?"
However after years of speculation, in 2016, it was reported that a heartbroken Nargis abandoned promotional duties of Housefull 3 and flew off to New York after her alleged break-up with Uday Chopra. Nargis was indeed absent from Housefull 3 promotions but her spokesperson clarified she needed a break from her hectic work schedule.
Meanwhile, in November 2017, gossip mills were busy speculating about the reasons behind Nargis Fakhri's visit to the Chopra residence in Mumbai. Reports suggested that Uday Chopra and Nargis may have been living together and that a wedding was reportedly on the cards. Such reports were quickly dismissed by Nargis' spokesperson, who said in an interview that the actress was in Mumbai for a new project with Snoop Dogg.
In terms of work, Nargis Fakhri made her Bollywood debut with 2011 movie Rockstar. She is best known for starring in films such as Main Tera Hero, Madras Café, Housefull 3, Dishoom and Banjo.