Bhumi Pednekar is all in awe of her sister Samiksha Pednekar. The two need no special occasion in order to show their love for each other. But when there is a special day, the Pednekar siblings rush in with their heartiest wishes. On Samiksha Pednekar's birthday, Bhumi posted a photo featuring herself, Samiksha and their mother. They seem to be in the midst of Samiksha's birthday celebrations when the photo was taken. The trio is all smiles for the camera. Bhumi wrote, "Happy Birthday To The G.O.A.T, Samiksha Pednekar. Upwards and Onwards baby girl. Happy Birthday, Samu." Actress and model Patralekhaa reacted with the comment, "Happy Birthday, Samiksha."
Bhumi Pednekar and Samiksha Pednekar's bond has always been an object of attention. Their social media presence and their appearance in each other's posts have been cherished by their fans. The two often go on outings. It's not just that. Foreign tours are also on the checklist for the sister duo. When Bhumi decided to go to Budapest, she wasn't alone. Her sister accompanied her on this vacation. From eating delicious food to sightseeing together, the two enjoyed the tourist life to the fullest. In the caption alongside the slew of pictures and videos that she shared on Instagram, the actress wrote, “Vaca photo dump part I” along with the hashtags “Budapest” and “BP Travels”. Her fans and followers dropped several hearts and heart-eye emojis in the comments.
On Bhumi Pednekar's birthday, Samiksha Pednekar didn't miss a chance to gush about the actress. She posted a slew of images from the gala birthday bash and wrote, "Bhumi's weekend." In another post, Samiksha posted a photo with Bhumi and left a heartwarming birthday note. She wrote, "Happy birthday to my main squeeze for life, Bhumi Pednekar. You are my world BBG. Happy birthday, Bhumi."
Bhumi Pednekar's latest film Badhaai Do has received much praise. In this film, she has shared the screen space with Rajkummar Rao.