Actress Urvashi Rautela, who has been called out for plagiarising celebrity tweets in the past, is being trolled on Twitter for repeating history. On Tuesday night, the 26-year-old actress posted a tweet about Oscar-winning film Parasite in the exact same words used by New York-based journalist John Paul Brammer in his recent tweet about the film. A netizen brought the matter to the Mr Brammer's notice along with a side-by-side collage of both the tweets and he responded with a sarcastic comment on Twitter. Mr Brammer, who writes for The Guardian, Slate, NBC, BuzzFeed and other publications, wrote: "I'm rooting for her."
I'm rooting for her
— JP (@jpbrammer) March 31, 2020
The words in Urvashi Rautela's tweet are an exact reproduction of Mr Brammer's tweet for March 3, which said: "one thing I really love about Parasite is that rather than depict the fam as scammers pretending to be good at their jobs, they actually do their jobs flawlessly! what they lack isn't skill, but institutional stamps of approval & the bows and ribbons that rich people love (sic)." Not even the case was fixed in Urvashi's tweet.
one thing I really love about @ParasiteMovie is that rather than depict the fam as scammers pretending to be good at their jobs, they actually do their jobs flawlessly! what they lack isn't skill, but institutional stamps of approval & the bows and ribbons that rich people love
— URVASHI RAUTELA (@UrvashiRautela) March 31, 2020
"It's no brain time," read a tweet calling out Urvashi while some other asked her to get familiar with the concept of plagiarism. "You need to hire a new PR team or go back to school to learn about plagiarism," said a user while another added: "I guess you should Google the word 'Plagiarism'."
It's no brain time.
— Niriksh (@nirikshhhh) March 31, 2020
I guess you should Google the word "Plagiarism"
— Taurean Devil (@BeingiamRsk) April 1, 2020
you need to hire a new PR team. or go back to school to learn about plagiarism.
— Vivan Marwaha (@VivanMarwaha) April 1, 2020
What makes you steal tweets of others?? The author was right, you should have at least corrected the grammer
— mahendra parihar (@mahendr46642796) April 1, 2020
In January this year, Urvashi was trolled on Twitter for copy pasting Prime Minister Narendra Modi's tweet wishing Shabana Azmi a quick recovery after her accident.
The news of @AzmiShabana Ji's injury in an accident is distressing. I pray for her quick recovery.
— URVASHI RAUTELA (@UrvashiRautela) January 18, 2020
The news of @AzmiShabana Ji's injury in an accident is distressing. I pray for her quick recovery.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 18, 2020
Sometime in 2018, the Internet had a good laugh over one of Urvashi Rautela's statements on Instagram, which was a word to word replica of supermodel Gigi Hadid's note on social media negativity.
Urvashi Rautela is a former Miss India (Universe) and has featured in films such as Singh Saab tThe Great, Great Grand Masti, Hate Story 4 and Race 3. Urvashi has previously featured in headlines for a viral video of hers with Boney Kapoor amid reports of an alleged misconduct. She also trended a great deal earlier this year for her congratulatory comments on ex-flame Hardik Pandya's engagement post.