Vanvaas, featuring Nana Patekar, Utkarsh Sharma and Simratt Kaur, will hit the theatres on December 20. The emotional family drama presents a modern and intriguing twist on the classic Ramayana. The film reimagines the epic tale, exploring the heart-wrenching concept of children sending their parents into exile. As the release date approaches, the makers dropped the latest peppy song — Geeli Macchis — on Instagram. The music video opens with Utkarsh and Simratt grooving to the beats of the catchy track. They are later joined by Nana Pateker. Sung by Madhubanti Bagchi, Shadab Faridi and Mithoon, Geeli Macchis promises to bring a lively contrast to the film's emotional core. The song is written by Sayeed Quadri and the music has been composed by Mithoon. The note attached to the post read, “IT'S TIME TO GROOVE! #GeeliMaachis ,OUT NOW!”
Nana Patekar recently opened up about his decision to join Vanvaas. In an interview with news agency ANI, the veteran actor shared insights into his approach to choosing roles. He said, “Whenever I go to watch a film, especially during school days, if I identify with the characters on screen, then the film feels personal. It feels like the story belongs to us. This is the kind of film Vanvaas is.”
Nana Patekar added, "The identification will be so strong that it feels like the story of every home. When I first heard the story, it resonated with me deeply. As a normal person, it pleased me. I loved it. There's nothing extraordinary, just the need to remember our own past experiences and bring them to life."
Set against the backdrop of family dynamics, Vanvaas, directed by Anil Sharma, is a poignant narrative about rediscovering one's roots and the complexities of human relationships. The film is backed by Zee Studios.