Actor Varun Dhawan and fiancee Natasha Dalal are getting married this month, per reports. This celebrity wedding has been on the cards for a while and Pinkvilla reports that the date has been set for January 24. Varun's family have reportedly sent invites to a select group of guests - between 40 and 50 - asking them to block dates from January 22 to January 25 for a big fat Punjabi-style wedding. Pinkvilla quotes an invitee as saying, "I just received an e-invite an I am happy that finally, it's happening." Pinkvilla reports that the sangeet and mehendi will be held on the two days preceding the wedding date.
The wedding destination is reported to be Alibaug. Bollywood Hungama quotes a source as saying, "The Dhawans have blocked an entire resort facing the beach in Alibaug and are planning a grand yet simple and sober wedding. The wedding functions will extend for 3 days - January 22, 23 and 24, with the entire guest list of the family following the bio bubble protocol. They will all be staying together in the resort and the guests list includes just immediate family members of the couple along with some close friends and colleagues." An official announcement is expected soon.
Varun Dhawan, 33, and Natasha Dalal are childhood sweethearts and, as per rumour, would have married last year had it not been for the COVID-19 pandemic. Speaking on the sixth season chat show Koffee With Karan, Varun said, "I am dating her and we are a couple...I plan to marry her."
On Kareena Kapoor's show What Women Want, Varun recounted how he met Natasha and fell in love with here: "The first time I met Natasha was in the sixth standard. We have not been dating since then. We were friends till the eleventh or twelfth grade. We were very close friends but the minute I saw her, I still remember, we went to Maneckji Cooper, she was in the yellow house and I was in the red house. It was on the basketball court. So, in the lunch break, in the canteen, they give you food and an energy drink. I remember her walking, I remember seeing her and actually, when I saw her, I felt like I fell in love with her that day. That was it."
Natasha Dalal, a designer, is a regular at Dhawan family dos and is almost always Varun Dhawan's plus-one to events and parties.
Varun Dhawan, who recovered from the coronavirus in December 2020, was last seen in the Coolie No 1 remake directed by his father David Dhawan. His next release is Jug Jugg Jeeyo, co-starring Anil Kapoor, Neetu Kapoor and Kiara Advani.