Varun Dhawan's Baby John is making the right buzz and we are all ears to learn any updates about the film. Our wish seems to have been granted. On Saturday, the actor unveiled a 100 ft poster of Baby John at Miraj Cinema, Mumbai. Sharing a video from the special day on Instagram, he wrote, “100 ft me and Baby me. Baby John, it begins. Trailer out on 9th Dec.” The clip showcases Varun witnessing the uncovering of the massive poster as a huge red veil is removed. “This is amazing. I am quite shocked. I have never done anything or seen anything like this in my life,” admits Varun. He delivers the iconic dialogue from Baby John: “Mere jaise bohot aaye hai lekin mai pehli baar aaya hu” sending his sea of fans into a frenzy.
Directed by Kalees, Baby John is produced under the banners of Jio Studios, Cine1 Studios and A for Apple Productions. The project is presented by Atlee and Cine1 Studios. Keerthy Suresh, Wamiqa Gabbi and child artist Zara Zyanna are part of the film.
Just a day ago, the makers of Baby John dropped the second song from the movie titled Pikley Pom. Varun dissected from his angry man persona as he channelled his inner-dad vibe in the catchy track. Varun and Zara Zyanna matched steps to the upbeat track, having fun and spending time together. Sharing the song announcement on Instagram, Varun wrote, “The song for all the babies. Pikley Pom from Baby John.” Take a look:
You must be living under a rock if you still haven't listened to Baby John's first song Nain Matakka. Varun, with his effortless charm, recently added a fun spin to the killer number. How? By grooving energetically to the beats on a boat against the backdrop of the famous Taj Hotel in Mumbai. “Kya app ne kabhi iconic jagah pe dance kiya hain [Have you ever danced at an iconic location?]” read his side note.
Baby John will release on December 25.