Veteran actor Vishwa Mohan Badola died in Mumbai on Monday because of age-related ailments. He was 84. A day after VM Badola's death, the late actor's son, television star Varun Badola, shared a heart-wrenching tribute to his father on Instagram. Sharing a throwback of Vishwa Mohan Badola, Varun wrote: "A lot of people crib about the fact that their kids do not listen to them. Many forget that kids are always watching them. My father never sat me down to teach me anything. He made learning a way of life for me. He set an example so exemplary that I had no choice but... follow. If you think that I am a good actor, blame him. If I write, he has to take the onus. If I sing... well if I had just about 1/10th of his singing talent, I would have become a singer."
Vishwa Mohan Badola started his career as a journalist before switching to theatre and eventually films. Varun Badola summed up his father's illustrious career in his tribute post and also described his father as a singing legend in his send-off note: "Not many know that he was a journalist by profession. A master on South East Asian affairs. Travelled the world twice over. He did more than 400 hundred plays for AIR. He was an actor par excellence. When he sang, time stopped. Make no mistake, this man was a legend. But for me, he was my father. A father who was always watching and always listening. So ladies and gentlemen The Man, The Legend, The Phenomenon has called it a day. But his legacy will stay on forever in various forms."
VM Badola was a prominent theatre personality and featured in supporting roles in films such as Jodhaa Akbar, Lage Raho Munna Bhai, Jolly LLB 2, Swades, The Tashkent Files, What's Your Raashee? among others. Varun Badola co-starred with his father in the 2006 TV show Aek Chabhi Hai Padoss Mein.
Varun Badola is best known for his appearance in shows such as Koshish - Ek Aashaa, Des Mein Niklla Hoga Chand, Astitva.. Ek Prem Kahani, among others. Varun Badola is married to actress Rajeshwari Sachdev.