Veteran Telugu actor Kaikala Satyanarayana died at the age of 87 early on Friday morning at his residence in Hyderabad. The veteran actor had been a part of over 750 films from the time of NTR, when he initially used to play his dupe. Over a career spanning decades, he has played hero, antagonist and character roles in family and social dramas as well as mythological films. He was also a member of Parliament in the 11th Lok Sabha from the Telugu Desam party. Members of the Telugu film fraternity, united by grief, paid tribute to the veteran actor on social media.
Actor Kalyanram paid tribute to Kaikala Satyanarayanain his tweet and he wrote: "Saddened to know about the passing of Kaikala Satyanarayana garu. An absolute legend who immortalised many characters on our Telugu silver screen. Om Shanti."
Filmmaker Maruthi tweeted "Rest in peace legend Kaikala Satyanarayana garu. We miss you forever."
Actor-producer Ganesh, in his tribute to Kaikala Satyanarayana, wrote: "Legendary actor Kaikala Satyanarayana garu. RIP. May his soul rest in peace."
Kaikala Satyanarayana is survived by his wife Nageswaramma Satyanarayana, two daughters and two sons.
Besides acting, Kaikala Satyanarayana also forayed into production. His production house Rama Films production backed projects like Kodama Simham, Bangaru Kutumbam, Muddula Mogudu, to name a few. He was the recipient of several awards including the 2017 Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award for his contribution Telugu cinema and Andhra Pradesh government's Nandi film Award.
His first project as an actor was Changayya's 1959 film Supayi Koothuru. A year later, he featured in Apoorva Sahasra Siraccheda Chintamani. He also starred in Kanaka Durga Pooja Mahima, in which he featured as an antagonist for the first time. Kaikala Satyanarayana was last seen in the 2009 film Arundhati.