The band was planning to go ahead without Victoria, but their manager Simon Fuller thinks it would be a risky affair.
Former Spice Girls Victoria Beckham and Geri Halliwell have had a war of words over the future of their band, leading to the two stars no longer being on talking terms.
The band was to come together for the last time for aworld tour as well as for the release of an album, but Victoria, who has carved out a successful career as a fashiondesigner, is not interested, which has incensed Halliwell, reported Mirror online.
"Geri wants the girls to be back on the road as soon as they can. She's been trying to get in touch with Simon for thepast few weeks but isn't getting anywhere. She and Victoria are no longer talking," said a source.
The band was planning to go ahead without Victoria, but their manager Simon Fuller thinks it would be a risky affair.
"A tour without Victoria is a real risk. She may not do a load of the singing but she brings a lot more than peoplethink to the table. On their reunion tour she brought Madonna's choreographer Jamie King on board and organised a lot of the outfits with Dolce and Gabbana. Simon regards the project as a real risk without VB and without him to mastermind the whole thing it's a tricky situation and probably won't happen," said the source.
The band had last performed during the closing ceremony of the London Olympics, 2012. Even then Victoria did notarrive with the band and rather choose to spend the night with her family.
The band was to come together for the last time for aworld tour as well as for the release of an album, but Victoria, who has carved out a successful career as a fashiondesigner, is not interested, which has incensed Halliwell, reported Mirror online.
"Geri wants the girls to be back on the road as soon as they can. She's been trying to get in touch with Simon for thepast few weeks but isn't getting anywhere. She and Victoria are no longer talking," said a source.
The band was planning to go ahead without Victoria, but their manager Simon Fuller thinks it would be a risky affair.
"A tour without Victoria is a real risk. She may not do a load of the singing but she brings a lot more than peoplethink to the table. On their reunion tour she brought Madonna's choreographer Jamie King on board and organised a lot of the outfits with Dolce and Gabbana. Simon regards the project as a real risk without VB and without him to mastermind the whole thing it's a tricky situation and probably won't happen," said the source.
The band had last performed during the closing ceremony of the London Olympics, 2012. Even then Victoria did notarrive with the band and rather choose to spend the night with her family.