Actress Vidya Balan's husband Siddharth Roy Kapur was recently spotted on a movie date with a burqa-clad mystery woman in Mumbai. The Bobby Jasoos actress took her time to reveal that the mystery woman was none other than Vidya Balan herself!
Vidya had slipped into a burqa to keep unwanted attention at bay, when she went out with her producer husband to watch Salman Khan's Kick. However her plan backfired when some people identified the UTV head honcho in the theatre and quizzed about his mystery date's identity. Some of Vidya's fan approached Siddharth during the interval however were forced to back off as the film resumed.
Towards the end of the movie, when Siddharth was interrogated again, the celebrity couple decided to take off before things got out of hand. Vidya later confirmed the incident. Earlier, there were speculations that all was not well between Vidya and Siddharth. However, in an interview, the 36-year-old actress rubbished reports suggesting Siddharth's involvement with an upcoming actress.
This Article is From Aug 21, 2014
Vidya Balan's Husband on a Mystery Date?
- Written by: Divya Goyal
- Bollywood
Sep 02, 2014 20:41 pm IST
Published On Aug 21, 2014 12:32 pm IST
Last Updated On Sep 02, 2014 20:41 pm IST
Siddharth Roy Kapur was recently spotted on a movie date with a burqa-clad mystery woman. (Image courtesy: Varinder Chawla)
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