Vignesh Shivan and Nayanthara are painting the Instagram red with their recent post. The director shared an adorable on his Instagram handle, wherein he can't take his eyes off his girlfriend, Nayanthara. In the picture, he is lovingly looking at her while the actress happily poses for the camera. The couple is looking stunning together-Nayanthara can be seen in a white top paired with brown pants and Vignesh in an all-black outfit. Sharing the post, he captioned it as " if your heart is big !! You end up smiling at everything !"
Soon after Vignesh Shivan dropped the post, their fans flooded the comment section. A fan wrote, "Beautiful picture.. Dazzling couple!," while another wrote, "Awwwww watching nayan is always treat fr my heart bumps into smile."
Here have a look at the post:
On Mother's Day, he dropped a video featuring his mother and girlfriend, Nayanthara. He captioned the video as, "My life is all about showing the love I have for you mommmeeeeeeeee!!! My work, my art everything will have you in it ... and will express my love to you always throughout my life! Love you meeeeeee ! You are Meeeeeeeeeee ! #happymothersday MeenaKumari"
A few days ago, Vignesh Shivan shared a picture of himself posing with Nayanthara in front of Tirupati temple. Sharing the picture, he wrote, "#ThanksGiving at #Thirupathi ! We prayed & asked for a #BlockBuster ! You gave it dear #venkateshwaraswamy #Thirumala #Thirupathi #Elumazhaiyaan ! Here we are thanking you for all the blessings , love & support! All that we want is your love & backing dear Thirumalayaneyyyyy !!! #Prayers & hard work"
On the work front, Vignesh Shivan is basking on the success of his recently released film Kaathuvaakula Rendu Kaadhal. Next, he will direct Ajit Kumar in AK61.