With unlockdown happening in the country, a lot of Bollywood actors are travelling to their hometowns from Mumbai. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the airport looks have been redefined - face shield, face mask and gloves are mandatory for travelling. Actor Vijay Varma shared a glimpse of his airport look on his Instagram profile on Tuesday and it looks nothing like the usual normal. The Gully Boy actor, who travelled to his hometown Hyderabad from Mumbai, shared a picture of himself where he can be seen complying with the new travel rules by wearing a face shield and a face mask. Sharing the picture, Vijay Varma wrote, "Ghar wapsi." Vijay Varma, who stays alone in Mumbai, also made a reference to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's speech where he asked people to be "atmanirbhar (self-reliant)," and added "No more aatmanirbhar." Vijay Varma added a monkey icon to his post. Take a look at his airport look here:
Within minutes, Vijay Varma's picture was filled with comments from his friends and fans. Reacting to his picture, Aamir Khan's daughter Ira Khan wrote, "Whaaaa?"
A few days ago, Rakul Preet Singh, who travelled from Mumbai to Delhi, also shared her airport look on her Instagram stories. In the pictures, Rakul Preet can be seen wearing a PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) gear along with gloves and a mask.
Last month, Angrezi Medium actress Radhika Madan also travelled out of Mumbai and her airport look was similar to that of Vijay Varma and Rakul Preet Singh. Radhika Madan shared a picture of herself where she can be seen complying to the new travel rules by wearing a face shield, a face mask and a pair of gloves. " Mai aa rahi hu Maa," Radhika Madan captioned her picture.
Coming back to Vijay Varma. The 34-year-old actor has a body of work that includes films such as Rangrezz, Gang Of Ghosts, Pink, Monsoon Shootout, Super 30 and Baaghi 3 among others. Ranjan Chandel's romantic drama Bamfaad remains Vijay Varma's last theatrical release.