Another day, another picture from Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli's lunch dates in England. The couple are making every moment count in the UK. On Wednesday, a photo of Anushka and Virat from their lunch at a restaurant in Leeds went crazy viral on social media. In the picture, the actress looks pretty in a white top, floral print trousers and a jacket. Virat Kohli can be seen sporting a white tee, black jeans and blue jacket in the photo, shared by the Bundobust restaurant in Leeds. "It's not every day that India Cricket Captain Virat Kohli and actor and film producer supremo Anushka Sharma bob into Bundobust for a late lunch. Luckily our chef Rosul was on hand to serve up a piping hot selfie," read the caption of the post.
See the viral photo of Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli here:
Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli have been trying cousins at different restaurants in the UK ever since they flew to the country for Team India's five-match Test Series with England. Recently, they celebrated Onam at a Kerala restaurant in Yorkshire. Pictures from the restaurant trended big time on social media.
Meanwhile, also check out some pictures of the couple from their lunch date at a restaurant named Tendril Kitchen in London earlier this month:
Anushka Sharma has also been adding adorable photos of herself to her London diaries. Take a look at them here:
Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli welcomed baby daughter Vamika on January 11 this year.