Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan occupied a spot on the list of trends once again, this time for his shirtless picture with a friend. The photo, shared by several fan clubs dedicated to Aryan Khan, has now gone viral on social media. In the picture, shirtless Aryan can be seen posing for the camera with his friend by what appears to be seaside. Going the viral photo, it appears the duo had gone swimming just before the picture was clicked. The aforementioned photo started doing the rounds on the Internet after Aryan Khan's pictures from the Indian Premier League (IPL) player auction 2021 went viral (more on that later).
See Aryan Khan's shirtless image here:
A few days ago, Aryan Khan attended the IPL player auction in Chennai. His uncanny resemblance to his father Shah Rukh Khan at the event sent the Internet into meltdown. In some of the pictures, he can be seen with actress Preity Zinta, who is the co-owner of the IPL team Punjab Kings.
Check out the viral pictures of Aryan from IPL player auction here:
Aryan is Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri's eldest son. The couple are also parents to daughter Suhana and little son AbRam.
Suhana wants to step into the acting world but Aryan Khan doesn't. Last year, during an episode of My Next Guest Needs No Introduction With David Letterman, Shah Rukh Khan said: "Aryan doesn't have what it takes to be an actor and he realises that too but he's a good writer. I think wanting to be an actor has to come from within. Something you really need to do and find a set of skill that helps you do it and learn it. But I think I realised it from him when he said that to me. He came to me and said, 'I don't think I want to act'."