Aamir Khan's daughter Ira Khan, who got married to long-time boyfriend Nupur Shikhare earlier this week in Mumbai, recently treated her fans to an adorable picture of herself from her wedding day with her brother Junaid Khan. Sharing it on her Instagram Stories, Ira wrote, “And we finally have a picture together!” The siblings look adorable as they take a moment to come together for the picture. While Ira is seen in her bridal outfit, Junaid can be spotted in a grey suit. Take a look at the picture we are talking about:
The couple flew to Udaipur for their wedding celebrations on Friday. Newlywed Ira Khan shared a couple of pictures from Udaipur on her Instagram profile, on Saturday. Ira Khan shared pictures from the Taj Lake Palace and she wrote, "Can it be our wedding without a bunch of workouts?" In the picture, Ira, Nupur and their friends can be seen, wait for it...working out. She added, "Warm up: Bring Sally Up - push-ups. Workout: Push-ups, Jump squats, Namashkar push-ups, Squat and press, wide push-ups, side squats, burpees, donkey kicks to wrestler sitouts Handstands + pictures." Phew!
In another picture, Ira Khan wrote, "Because we're playing dress-up all week." Nupur Shikhare wrote in the comments, "My wife." He added a few heart and kisses emojis. Ira's cousin Zayn Marie commented, "You look like a winter rose."
Check out Ira Khan's post here:
Ira Khan's cousin and actor Zayn Marie also shared pictures from Ira and Nupur's wedding on Instagram and she wrote, "SOB - as in Sister of the Bride and 'I'm going to sob about this for the next ten days. Ira Khan, I still can't believe it. Only yesterday you were so small, and now you've married one of my most favourite people on this planet. Aaahhh I'm going to cry just typing this. I love you both so much."
Ira is the younger daughter of Aamir Khan and his first wife Reena Dutta.