Saif Ali Khan and his adorable son Taimur occupied a spot on the list of trends on Sunday, courtesy pictures of the father-son duo farming in Pataudi. Saif, last month, spent some quality time with wife, actress Kareena Kapoor, and son Taimur at the Pataudi Palace. The pictures of him farming with his little son appear to be from their quick trip to Pataudi last month. In the now-viral photos, Taimur can be seen standing in a muddied stream of water in between the fields while the actor can be seen standing close to him. Their hands can be seen covered with mud.
Several fan pages dedicated to Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor have shared the viral pictures on their respective profiles. Take a look:
Saif Ali Khan is currently in Dalhousie for his work-in-progress film Bhoot Police. He flew to Himachal Pradesh last week with his co-stars Arjun Kapoor, Jacqueline Fernandez and Yami Gautam. Recently, Kareena Kapoor shared the title poster of Bhoot Police on Instagram. Take a look:
Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan got married on October 16 in 2012. The couple, who welcomed son Taimur in December 2016, are expecting second child together. On their anniversary last month, Kareena Kapoor posted a loved up photo with Saif and wrote: "Once upon a time there was a girl named Beboo and a boy named Saifu. They both loved spaghetti and wine... and lived happily ever after. Now you guys know the key to a happy marriage. On that note, happy anniversary SAKP... here's to eternity and beyond."
Saif Ali Khan will also be seen in Bunty Aur Babli 2. Kareena Kapoor's upcoming films are Karan Johar's period drama Takht and Laal Singh Chaddha, in which she will share screen space with Aamir Khan.