Salman Khan's new look from the sets of his work-in-progress film Tiger 3 surfaced on the Internet on Sunday and now it has been going crazy viral on social media. The pictures are from the film set in Russia, where Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif flew to last week. Wondering why the photos are trending since yesterday? Because Salman Khan looks unrecognizable in them. He can be seen sporting a bushy brown beard, long hair, a red bandana, a white tee, blue jeans and a red jacket. In the photos, Salman Khan's nephew Nirvaan can also be seen standing next to him on the sets of Tiger 3.
Check out the viral photos of Salman Khan from Tiger 3 set in Russia here:
Some other photos of the actor posing with his fans on the streets of Russia have also been shared by fan clubs dedicated to him. See them here:
Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif flew to Russia to shoot for Tiger 3 on Thursday last week. The actor has been prepping for his role in the film for a couple of months. In July, Salman Khan shared a video of himself working out for his character in Tiger 3 and wrote: "I think this guy is training for Tiger 3."
Tiger 3 also stars Emraan Hashmi. See how he has been training for the film:
Tiger 3 is the third installment in Kabir Khan's Tiger films series. The first part - Ek Tha Tiger - released in 2012 while Tiger Zinda Hai opened in theatres in 2017. Salman Khan reprises his role as special agent Avinash Singh Rathore in the third part while Katrina Kaif again plays Zoya Humaini.