It took a mere seven days for Hrithik Roshan and Tiger Shroff's War to hit the Rs 200 crore jackpot at the box office, becoming the fastest 2019 Bollywood film to cross the mark, tweeted trade analyst Taran Adarsh. The Yash Raj Films-backed movie is also the third highest earning film of 2019 beating Salman Khan's Eid bonanza Bharat. The total box office collection (as of Tuesday) of this 'monstrous hit' is Rs 216.65 crore, of which the Hindi version alone has contributed Rs 208.05 crore. The remaining amount has been contributed by the film's Tamil and Telugu versions. "War hits double century... Collects Rs 20 crore plus every single day since release which speaks of its incredible trending... Collects a massive number on Day 7 (Tuesday) due to Dussehra... Emerges third highest grossing film of 2019, surpassing the lifetime business of Bharat," tweeted Taran Adash.
Here's the day-wise break-up of War's box office collection:
#War [#Hindi] Wed 51.60 cr, Thu 23.10 cr, Fri 21.30 cr, Sat 27.60 cr, Sun 36.10 cr, Mon 20.60 cr, Tue 27.75 cr. Total: 208.05 cr. Including #Tamil + #Telugu: 216.65 cr. #India biz... This one's a MONSTROUS HIT.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) October 9, 2019
#War hits double century... Collects 20 cr+ every single day since release, which speaks of its incredible trending... Collects a massive number on Day 7 [Tue] due to #Dussehra... Emerges third highest grossing film of 2019, surpassing *lifetime biz* of #Bharat.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) October 9, 2019
War, directed by Siddharth Anand, has made quite a few records on its way to the 200 crore-mark. Here are details shared by Taran Adarsh:
#War benchmarks...
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) October 9, 2019
Crossed 50 cr: Day 1
100 cr: Day 3
125 cr: Day 4
150 cr: Day 5
175 cr: Day 6
200 cr: Day 7#India biz.
Top 5 *highest grossing* #Hindi films - 2019 releases...
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) October 9, 2019
1. #KabirSingh
2. #Uri
3. #War [still running]
4. #Bharat
5. #MissionMangal#India biz.
Note: As on 9 Oct 2019.
Before War, Ranbir Kapoor's Sanju (2018), Salman Khan's Tiger Zinda Hai (2017) and Sultan (2016) collected Rs 200 crore bounty in seven days. Here are statistics of the films which crossed the Rs 200 crore-mark at what point.
#Baahubali2 [#Hindi] crossed 300 cr on Day 10 - a record unbroken to date... Other event films crossed * 200 cr NBOC* on following days:
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) October 8, 2019
#War: Day 7
#Sanju: Day 7
#TZH: Day 7
#Sultan: Day 7
#Dangal: Day 8
#PK: Day 8
#BajrangiBhaijaan: Day 9#India biz.
War is one-of-its-kind two-hero action film, in which Hrithik Roshan and Tiger Shroff are pitted against each other. The film has spectacular action sequences and thrilling chases sequences shot all over the world.
War also features Vaani Kapoor, Ashutosh Rana and Anupriya Goenka.