Hrithik Roshan and Tiger Shroff's action thriller War has now crossed the Rs 300-crore mark with the Hindi version alone, trade analyst Taran Adarsh tweeted on Friday. The film's Hindi version collected the Rs 300-crore bounty in its fourth week while it was played in a reduced number of screens. "And the Hindi version of War hits a triple century... Crosses Rs 300 crore in week 4. Total India business in Hindi is Rs 300.14 crore and including (collections from) the Tamil and Telugu versions it is Rs 314.67 crore," tweeted Taran Adarsh. War, produced by Yash Raj Films and directed by Siddharth Anand, is the top earning Bollywood film of 2019 beating Shahid Kapoor's June release Kabir Singh.
Here's the latest box office update for War:
And the #Hindi version of #War hits triple century ... Crosses 300 cr [#Hindi]... [#Hindi; Week 4] Fri 36 lakhs, Sat 66 lakhs, Sun 69 lakhs, Mon 1.11 cr, Tue 96 lakhs, Wed 76 lakhs, Thu 60 lakhs. Total: 300.14 cr. Including #Tamil + #Telugu: 314.67 cr. #India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) November 1, 2019
War made several box office records on its way to the Rs 300 crore-mark. It swiftly made Rs 238 crore in nine days - the extended first week collection - while it also broke Aamir Khan's Thugs Of Hindostan's opening day record. Here's the week-wise analysis of War's box office performance.
#War biz at a glance...
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) November 1, 2019
Week 1: 238.35 cr [9 days]
Week 2: 49.65 cr
Week 3: 21.35 cr
Week 4: 5.32 cr [548 screens]
Total: 314.67 cr#India biz.
BLOCKBUSTER.#War language-wise...#Hindi: 300.14 cr#Tamil + #Telugu: 14.53 cr
Total: 314.67 cr#India biz.
War's box office journey was more or less smooth as it trumped major releases such as Priyanka Chopra's The Sky Is Pink and Saif Ali Khan's Lal Kaptaan at the ticket window. Akshay Kumar's Housefull 4 became the first hurdle in War's successful box office run.
War is a one-of-its-kind action film, which pitted Hrithik Roshan against Tiger Shroff onscreen. Hrithik plays the role of Kabir, a rogue Indian intelligence officer while Tiger plays Khalid, his mentee, who has been tasked with capturing and killing Kabir.
War also features Vaani Kapoor, Anupriya Goenka and Dalip Tahil in pivotal roles.