Tamannaah and Wamiqa Gabbi set the Internet on fire as they danced to the viral hit Nain Matakka from Varun Dhawan's upcoming film Baby John. Wamiqa, who attended Tamannaah's watch party, shared the video on her Instagram feed. Dressed in their casual best, the actresses aced the hook steps like a pro. Sharing the video, Wamiqa wrote, "Bet you weren't expecting this Nain Matakka. I love you@tamannaahspeaks." The comments section was swamped with compliments. Keerthy Suresh, who will make her Bollywood debut with the film, wrote, "Wohoo I love this combo!" Replying to Wamiqa Gabbi, Tamannaah wrote, "Love you." Sharing the video on his Instagram stories, Varun Dhawan wrote, "Breaking it down." Take a look:
Earlier, at the success bash of Citadel Honey Bunny, Varun Dhawan matched steps with Samantha Ruth Prabhu to the song. Varun recently posted a video on Instagram where he is seen teaching Samantha how to nail the Nain Matakka hookstep. The clip showcases Samantha executing the signature step with absolute ease. "Nain mattaka with my favourite girl Samantha Ruth Prabhu as we celebrated Honey Bunny last night," read Varun's side note. Take a look:
Tamannaah hosted a watch party for her friends and family members as her film Sikandar Ka Muqaddar was released on Netflix. Tamannaah's boyfriend Vijay Varma also attended the party. Sharing pictures and videos, Tamannaah wrote, "Watch Party with the cutiessssss." Take a look:
Slated for a Christmas release on December 25, Baby John features Varun Dhawan, Keerthy Suresh, Wamiqa Gabbi, Jackie Shroff and Rajpal Yadav in pivotal roles. Jawan director Atlee helmed the film. The film is a remake of Vijay's blockbuster Theri. That film was also directed by Atlee. Baby John is produced by Priya Atlee, Murad Khetani and Jyoti Deshpande.