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Godzilla, the giant CGI lizard that destroys entire cities, is an official citizen of Japan


Indiana Jones shoots a swordsman in Raider Of The Lost Ark because Harrison Ford had dysentery and couldn't film too long

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Leonardo DiCaprio bet Tom Hardy he'd be Oscar-nominated for The Revenant. He was and had to get a ‘Leo Knows All' tattoo

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At 6'1, John Rhys-Davies, who plays Gimli the dwarf in the Lord Of The Rings films, is the tallest of all the others in the Fellowship

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Donald Trump's Home Alone 2 cameo happened because he owns The Plaza and wouldn't allow filming otherwise

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According to Elijah Wood, an orc the Lord Of The Rings films was designed to look like disgraced producer Harvey Weinstein


John Wick was originally titled Scorn but star Keanu Reeves kept telling people he was in a film called John Wick

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Filming of Batman Begins (2005) in Chicago was disrupted when a drunk driver crashed into the Batmobile thinking it was an alien spacecraft


A pyrotechnical test for There Will Be Blood created a smoke cloud that disrupted No Country For Old Men shooting which had to stop

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The studio wanted to kill one of the hobbits in the Lord Of The Rings films – director Peter Jackson refused because it didn't happen in the books

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